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Julia König

Psychologist. Author. Speaker. 

“To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but what he aspires to.” (Khalil Gibran)

Mag. Julia König

I am a dynamic creator with a deep passion for creative projects—there is always something exciting going on with me. Inspired by my work with families who pursue various paths to parenthood, I have written four children's books specifically for desired children—whether through artificial insemination, sperm or egg donation, or surrogacy. These books are lovingly illustrated and age-appropriate, helping each child understand and confidently share their unique family story."

Julia Koenig Praxis_L6A2938.jpg

Psychologist by passion.

After my own long journey with infertility, I became increasingly aware of the extensive psychological impact that unfulfilled desires for children can have. The accompanying emotional burden can be significant and can strongly affect mental well-being. After the birth of our daughter, I eventually specialized in topics related to fertility and developed, as part of a renowned clinic group, a portfolio that is now an integral part of the patient offering and is implemented at several locations.

With the intention of creating evidence-based, yet personal and valuable support for parents and their children, I took the step into self-employment again in 2020 with “” I am particularly committed to continuously expanding my network with families, dedicated organizations, and international specialists. Furthermore, I see it as my mission to provide education and support to promote the mental health and well-being of my patients.

The opportunity to accompany people on their personal journey and help them manage psychological challenges more effectively fills me with great gratitude and passion for my profession.


Certification by the BKiD

Inclusion to the list of counsellors of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinderwunschberatung

Foundation of practice Freiraum.
Practice for Body - Mind - Soul

(Lustenau 2022)

Training to become a singing bowl therapist

(Peter Hess® Therapieschalen, September 2022)

Neuro-Mental Coach

(February 2021 – September 2022, Akademie für Neuromentaltraining Vorarlberg)

Psychosocial aspects involved in recurrent miscarriages

(BKiD Fortbildungsinstitut March 2021)

If ART does not lead to the hoped-for success: facts, experiences, interventions

(BKiD Fortbildungsinstitut March 2021)

Education as Social Counsellor and Life Coach


Propaedeutic Training in Psychotherapy – University of Innsbruck

(2011 passed with distinction)

Study of Psychology - University of Innsbruck 2005 - 2010

“The impact of educational representation on psychological aspects of the personality with special reference to psychopathology”



I really enjoy sharing my knowledge through podcasts. In my episodes, you’ll learn everything about psychology, fertility, and family planning.

Tune in and let yourself be inspired!


Podcast of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs
featuring Sally Schulze from Mentalstark


Über den Kinderwunsch mit Eizellenspende 



It is important to provide children with sensitive and age-appropriate information about the various forms of family creation. Through conversations with many individuals involved, I have come to realize how many parents, although generally open and well-meaning, often feel overwhelmed when it comes to finding the right time and manner to explain their child's unique conception. The desire for a child is a sensitive and often emotionally charged topic that affects both parents and children alike.


Through my books, I seek to enlighten even the youngest children about what it means to be a "chosen child" and how families can come together in diverse ways. My goal is to provide children with the means to better understand themselves and their families, thereby nurturing empathy and acceptance.

Author of Non-Fiction Picture Books.

Unser allergrößtes Geschenk

Für Kinder, die in einer Kinderwunschklinik entstanden sind

Our Dearest Gift

For children born after IVF treatment

Von Wunschkindern und Glücksboten

Aufklärung von Kindern, die mit Hilfe von Eizellspende, Samenspende entstanden sind.

About Desired Children and Bringers of Happiness

Designed to educate young children conceived with the help of donor eggs or donor sperm.


Unsere Regenbogenfamilie – Für Babys braucht es Liebe

Familiengründung homosexueller Paare mit Hilfe von Eizellspende, Samenspende, Leihmutterschaft.


Our Rainbow Family – It takes Love to have a Baby

Same-sex couples starting a family with the help of donor eggs, donor sperm or surrogacy.

Glücksbotin für unser Wunschkind – Familiengründung mit Hilfe einer Leihmutter

Familiengrüundung mit Hilfe einer Leihmutter (und Eizell-/Samenspende)

Do you know what a surrogate is? She helps making families

Starting a familiy with the helpt of a surrogate (and donated eggs/donated sperm)



Are you interested in staff training or short lectures for your medical team, embryologists? If so, please feel free to send me a brief email.

Psychosocial topics such as "emotional aspects of unfulfilled fertility desires, coping with habitual miscarriages, and handling gamete donation – how do we tell our child?" offer an engaging addition to your audience at conferences and symposiums.

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